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Basic information about implants, abutments and pins.

Source [text]

where was this info obtained, this is NOT used in software

Company [text]

Implant company ("Blue Sky Bio", "Straumann", "Nobel", ...)

Password [text]

Password used to unlock implants, must be same for all parts from the same manufacturer. If the password is defined the part will be hidden by default in BSP.

Leave empty for non-hidden parts.

Type [text]

type of part, "Implant", "Abutment" or "PIN"



Part ID

[unique, text uppercase]

Identification name of implant, should be UPPERCASE and unique

Width [text/number]

this is NOT used in software

Implant type [text]

manufacturers implant type

Secondary implant type [text]

manufacturers secondary implant type

Platform [number/text]

list of manufacturers implant platforms separated by commas

Dimension [text]

this is NOT used in software

Occlusal Diameter [mm]

diameter of the implant head in mm

Length [mm]

length of implant in mm

Appical diameter [mm]

diameter of the implant apex in mm

Appical diameter [in]

diameter of the implant head in inches

Abutment Angle [deg]

leave empty for implants

Abutment Bend Point distance [mm]

leave empty for implants

Abutment Diameter [mm]

leave empty for implants

In catalog

this is NOT used in software


this is NOT used in software


this is NOT used in software

Longer Implant [text uppercase]

part ID of longer implant if such exists, otherwise should be empty, used only for BSB implants

Compatible Abutments [list separated by commas, uppercase]

list of compatible abutments, abutment part IDs should be separated by commas


How to prepare excel Parts Panel - BlueS
How to prepare excel Parts Panel - BlueS


Part ID

[unique, text uppercase]

Identification name of abutment, should be UPPERCASE and unique

Width [text/number]

this is NOT used in software

Implant type [text]

manufacturers abutment type

Secondary implant type [text]

manufacturers secondary abutment type

Platform [number/text]

list of manufacturers abutment platforms separated by commas

Dimension [text]

this is NOT used in software

Occlusal Diameter [mm]

leave empty for abutments

Length [mm]

length of abutment in mm

Appical diameter [mm]

leave empty for abutments

Appical diameter [in]

leave empty for abutments

Abutment Angle [deg]

angle of abutment in degrees, use 0.0 if abutment is straight

Abutment Bend Point distance [mm]

distance of angle vertex point from origin along the +Z axis, mandatory only for multi-unit abutments, otherwise leave empty

Abutment Diameter [mm]

diameter of abutment in mm

Tibase Diameter

Width of angeled part of the titanium base. 

Tibase Upper Height

Height of angeled part of the titanium base.

Analog hole length [mm]

Length of analog hole in mm. The length of hole is 0.05 mm longer than the analog part.

Analog hole diameter [mm]

Diameter of analog hole in mm. The length of hole is 0.1 mm larger than the analog part.

Screw Hole Diameter

Diameter of the abutment screw channel (when relevant)

Longer Implant [text uppercase]

leave empty for abutments

Compatible Abutments [list separated by commas, uppercase]

leave empty for abutments




Part ID

[unique, text uppercase]

​Identification name of pin, should be UPPERCASE and unique

Width [text/number]

this is NOT used in software

Implant type [text]

manufacturers pin type

Secondary implant type [text]

this column is used to define pin handle length in format "Handle Length=X.XX"

Platform [number/text]

this is NOT used for pins in software

Dimension [text]

this is NOT used in software

Occlusal Diameter [mm]

diameter of pin in mm

Length [mm]

length of pin in mm without the handle

Appical diameter [mm]

leave empty for pins

Appical diameter [in]

leave empty for pins

Abutment Angle [deg]

leave empty for pins

Abutment Bend Point distance [mm]

leave empty for pins

Abutment Diameter [mm]

leave empty for pins

In catalog

this is NOT used in software


this is NOT used in software


this is NOT used in software

Longer Implant [text uppercase]

leave empty for pins

Compatible Abutments [list separated by commas, uppercase]

leave empty for pins

Description of pin:

blueskybio pin 2.png
blueskybio pin 1.png


drill kit

Drill Kit Information  

Blue Sky Plan supports several types of Guided Surgical Kits:

  1. ) A pilot surgical kit, where a 2.0mm or 2.2mm drill is being used to create the initial osteotomy.

  2. ) A 'Standard' Guided Surgical Drill Kit with sequential drill widths and a built-in drill stop in each drill.

  3. ) A 'Direct Cut' Surgical Kit, where a single drill of the correct width is being used to create the osteotomy.


These drills may have a built-in drill stop, or the software can automatically create a drill stop on the surgical guide that would stop the drill and handpiece at the correct depth.


Drills being used for Guided Surgery should be 8 - 12mm longer than the implant length to allow for the additional height of the surgical guide.
Each drill (each drill part ID) can only have one length. This should be the length from the tip of the drill until the built-in drill stop (or until the handpiece, if there is no built-in drill stop).



[NO or text]

Text message for users showed in software, if there is no warning leave empty

Drill Kit Type

[text uppercase]

Name of the kit that will be shown in software

Sequence of drills

These columns should be defined for guided kits when the drills info is known. These columns must be repeated for each drill in sequence.
E.g.: kit uses up to 3 drills - then there must be defined all columns for drill 1, drill 2 and drill 3. If some implant requires only 2 drills, then the columns for drill 3 will be empty.


Drill X

[text uppercase]

Manufacturers identification name/number of the drill

Drill X Length


Length of drill in mm, this is full length of the drill, it must be long enough to cover the whole drill depth (implant length + MC offset + MC and handle lips) or there must be defined correct drill length correction

Description of drill length:


If the kit uses handles/keys, then these columns must be defined for each drill.


Handle X

[text uppercase]

Manufacturers identification name/number of the handle/key

Handle X Lip Height


Height of the handle/key lip in mm

If the kit uses some kind of shaft that attaches to the drill that affects drill length, than its length must be defined in this next column

Drill length correction [mm]

Length in mm, software adds this value to every drill length. If there is no such thing used, then this column should contain zero value.

Metal cylinders

Metal Cylinder Part ID [text uppercase]

identification name/number of metal cylinder

Metal Cylinder Height [mm]

height of metal cylinder in mm, including the lip

Metal Cylinder ID


inner diameter of metal cylinder in mm

Metal Cylinder OD


outer diameter of metal cylinder in mm

Metal Cylinder Lip Height [mm]

lip height of metal cylinder in mm, if the metal cylinder has no lip, please fill in zero value

Metal Cylinder Lip Width [mm]

lip width of metal cylinder in mm, if the metal cylinder has no lip, please fill in zero value



offset of metal cylinder in mm, distance between top of implant and top of printed surgical guide



number of metal cylinders in one package, only for BSB metal cylinders

Description of metal cylinder dimensions:



download (1).png
download (1).png
download (1).png
download (1).png
scan body

Scan Body Information 

Basic information about scanbodies.




Implant company ("Blue Sky Bio", "Straumann", "Nobel", ...)

Part ID

[unique, text uppercase]

Identification name of scanbody, should be UPPERCASE and unique



Name of scanbody that is shown to user in BSP

Scanbody type


type or category of scanbody



diameter of the scanbody in mm



length of scanbody in mm

Please complete the below Scan Body excel file.

Send the completed excel file and STL parts to


download (2).png
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