2 Free Surgical Guide Exports for New Users
Blue Sky Plan now includes two free surgical guide exports for new users.
What does this mean?
It means that if you are a new Blue Sky Plan user, after you download, install and activate the software, software will automatically allow you to export to surgical guide cases at no cost.
It means that you can treatment plan and design surgical guides for two patients and export them to an STL file for 3D printing at no cost.
It means that you can get started with surgical guides, faster, easier and cheaper than ever before.
If you are a new user, after installation and registration, you can confirm that your software is activated with two free exports by going to File> Purchase STL Exports. The two activated exports will appear on your screen

As an additional add-on digi3dworks.com will print one surgical guide, for a new user, at no cost. Not only can you export two guides at no cost, you can have one printed at no cost as well (metal cylinders are not included in the free order and should be purchase separately).

Questions? Plan@blueskybio.com